What is At the Table Colorado?


Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.                                                  –Margaret Mead


Create the positive change you want to see in Colorado, through collaborative community conversation and by making a tax-deductible donation to At the Table Colorado today…because YOUR VOICE MATTERS!

#YourVoiceMattersColorado  #InItForGoodColorado  #AtTheTableColorado

 Our Common Threads

Knitting/Crocheting Conversations are back and 

ALL are Welcome!!!

Topic: What do you think is the most important issue today?

Details will be posted soon so please check back.

If you have a suggested date, time or location for a

Common Threads Conversation,

please email us at:


A Season of Gratitude

Be the Change you wish to see in the world by living each day with an attitude of gratitude. Join At the Table Colorado as we explore ways to Practice Gratitude during these challenging times. We will explore what we are grateful for and ways to Practice Gratitude towards ourselves and others.

#ATTCPraticeGratitude #YourVoiceMattersColorado

What is At the Table Colorado?

At the Table Colorado (ATTC) is a grassroots movement of conversations that focus our commonalties, bringing people from all walks of life together, to listen and learn from each other.

At the Table Colorado is a partner in the National On the Table Learning Network founded by the Chicago Community Trust.

How it works:

Volunteers in each neighborhood/community/region, host conversations/events to share insights, ideas and plans to create positive, permanent change in Colorado. 

Who participates:

Everyone and anyone — neighborhood associations, senior citizens, libraries, businesses, students, civic groups, schools, houses of worship, refugees, young professionals, the homeless population and nonprofits; everyone is welcome…literally, everyone!


At the Table Colorado is currently reorganizing and updating our community plans in collaboration with our Table partners to continue developing opportunities to connect and strengthen our communities. Check our website regularly for updates.

Contact Us